What Tools Or Resources Can Help Me Stay Productive While RVing And Working?

Are you someone who loves the freedom and adventure of RVing, but also needs to maintain productivity while on the road? If so, you may be wondering what tools and resources are available to help you stay focused and efficient while working remotely. In this article, we will explore several options that can assist you in staying productive during your RV travels, whether you’re a digital nomad, a freelancer, or simply someone who needs to stay connected and on top of their tasks while exploring the great outdoors. So, if you’re ready to discover some valuable tools and resources that can enhance your working experience while RVing, keep reading!

What Tools Or Resources Can Help Me Stay Productive While RVing And Working?

Communication Tools

Mobile Hotspot

A mobile hotspot is a device that allows you to create a wireless internet connection by using cellular data. This is incredibly useful for RVers who are constantly on the move and need a reliable internet connection wherever they go. With a mobile hotspot, you can easily connect your laptop or other devices to the internet and stay connected no matter where your travels take you.

Portable Wi-Fi Router

Similar to a mobile hotspot, a portable Wi-Fi router allows you to create a wireless internet connection using a cellular data plan. However, a portable Wi-Fi router typically has more advanced features and can support multiple devices at once. This is perfect for RVers who are traveling with a group or who need a stronger and more reliable internet connection for their work.

Satellite Internet

For RVers who frequently travel to remote areas without reliable cell service, satellite internet can be a lifesaver. Satellite internet uses a satellite dish to connect to the internet, allowing you to access the internet even in areas where traditional cellular service is not available. While satellite internet can be more expensive and have slower speeds compared to other options, it provides a truly reliable connection no matter where you are.

Wi-Fi Extender

If you’re staying in RV parks or campgrounds that offer Wi-Fi, but the signal doesn’t quite reach your RV, a Wi-Fi extender can help. A Wi-Fi extender works by amplifying the existing signal and extending its range, allowing you to have a stronger and more stable Wi-Fi connection inside your RV. This is especially useful if you rely on the internet for work and need a reliable connection throughout the day.

Organization and Productivity Apps

Task Management

Staying organized is crucial for productivity, especially when you’re working while RVing. Task management apps like Trello, Asana, and Todoist can help you keep track of your to-do lists, set deadlines, and prioritize tasks. These apps allow you to create separate boards or lists for different projects, assign tasks to team members if necessary, and set reminders to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

Time Tracking

When you’re juggling work and travel, it’s important to have a clear idea of how you’re spending your time. Time tracking apps like Toggl and Harvest allow you to track your working hours, monitor the time you spend on different tasks or projects, and analyze your productivity trends. By knowing exactly how you’re allocating your time, you can make adjustments to improve efficiency and ensure you’re meeting your deadlines.

Note Taking

Keeping track of your ideas, meeting notes, and important information is essential when you’re constantly on the move. Note-taking apps like Evernote and OneNote allow you to easily create and organize digital notes. You can add text, images, and even audio recordings to your notes, making it easy to capture and reference information whenever you need it. These apps also offer advanced search capabilities, so you can quickly find what you’re looking for.

Calendar Apps

Managing your schedule is crucial when you’re working while RVing. Calendar apps like Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, and Apple Calendar help you keep track of your appointments, deadlines, and events. You can easily create and manage multiple calendars, set reminders, and share your schedule with others. By having a clear view of your schedule, you can effectively plan your work and travel activities to ensure a smooth and productive journey.

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Office Setup

Laptop or Tablet

Having a reliable and portable device is essential for working while RVing. Whether you prefer a laptop or a tablet, make sure you choose a device that meets your work requirements and fits your personal preference. Look for a device with a powerful processor, ample storage, and a comfortable keyboard for typing. Consider factors such as battery life, weight, and durability, as these will affect your overall productivity and comfort while on the road.

External Monitor

If you need a larger screen real estate for your work, consider investing in an external monitor. An external monitor can significantly enhance your productivity by allowing you to multitask more efficiently, especially when you’re working on complex tasks or need to have multiple windows open simultaneously. Look for a portable and lightweight monitor that can easily be set up and packed away in your RV.

Ergonomic Keyboard and Mouse

Working while RVing often means spending long hours in front of a screen, so it’s important to prioritize your ergonomic health. Investing in an ergonomic keyboard and mouse can help prevent strain and discomfort in your hands, wrists, and shoulders. Look for keyboards and mice that are designed to promote a natural and comfortable typing posture, with features such as adjustable angles and wrist rests.

Portable Printer

While most work can be done digitally, there may be instances when you need to print documents while on the road. A portable printer is a handy tool for RVers who need to print contracts, invoices, or important paperwork on the go. Look for a compact and wireless printer that can easily connect to your devices and offers high-quality printing without taking up too much space in your RV.

Cloud Storage

Google Drive

Google Drive is a popular cloud storage platform that allows you to store, share, and collaborate on files and documents. With Google Drive, you can access your files from any device with an internet connection, making it perfect for RVers who need to work from multiple devices or locations. You can create, edit, and share documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more, all within the Google Drive platform.


Dropbox is another widely used cloud storage service that offers seamless file syncing and sharing capabilities. With Dropbox, you can easily store your files in the cloud and access them from any device. You can also share files and folders with others, making collaboration and file sharing a breeze. Dropbox offers various storage plans to meet your needs, whether you’re a solo RVer or part of a larger team.


Microsoft’s OneDrive is a cloud storage service that integrates seamlessly with the Microsoft Office suite of applications. With OneDrive, you can store your files, photos, and videos in the cloud and access them from any device. OneDrive also offers advanced features such as file version history, real-time co-authoring, and advanced security options. If you’re already using Microsoft Office applications for your work, OneDrive is a convenient choice.


If you’re an Apple user, iCloud is the perfect cloud storage solution for you. iCloud allows you to store your files, photos, and videos securely in the cloud and access them from any Apple device. With iCloud, you can seamlessly sync your documents, emails, contacts, and calendars across all your Apple devices. iCloud also offers features like Find My, which helps you locate your lost devices, and iCloud Keychain, which securely stores your passwords and credit card information.

What Tools Or Resources Can Help Me Stay Productive While RVing And Working?

Collaboration Tools

Video Conferencing

When working remotely, face-to-face communication is vital for collaboration and building relationships with colleagues and clients. Video conferencing tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet allow you to host virtual meetings, webinars, and conference calls. These tools offer features such as screen sharing, live chat, and recording capabilities, making it easy to collaborate and communicate effectively, no matter where you are.

Project Management

Keeping track of projects and tasks is essential, especially when working with a team. Project management tools like Basecamp, Asana, and Trello can help you stay organized and manage your projects efficiently. These tools offer features such as task assignment, progress tracking, and deadline reminders. You can create and assign tasks, set priorities, and monitor the progress of your projects, ensuring that everyone stays on track and projects are completed on time.

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Team Messaging

Staying connected with your team is crucial for effective collaboration. Team messaging apps like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Discord provide a centralized platform for communication, allowing you to chat, share files, and collaborate in real time. These tools offer features such as channels or chat rooms, direct messaging, and file sharing. By using team messaging apps, you can easily communicate with your team members, ask questions, and share updates, no matter where you are.

File Sharing

When working remotely, sharing files and collaborating on documents is a common task. File sharing tools like Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive (mentioned earlier) allow you to securely share files with your team members or clients. These tools offer features such as file version history, commenting, and access control, ensuring that everyone has the right level of access and can contribute to the collaboration seamlessly.

Digital Nomad Communities

Online Forums and Groups

Connecting with like-minded individuals can be invaluable when you’re on the road as a digital nomad. Online forums and groups, such as Reddit communities and Facebook groups, provide a space to ask questions, share tips, and engage in discussions with other RVers and remote workers. These communities can provide insights, advice, and support, helping you navigate the challenges of working while RVing and making connections along the way.

Social Media Communities

Social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter offer opportunities to connect with other RVers and remote workers through hashtags and communities. By following relevant hashtags and engaging with posts and discussions, you can find inspiration, share your experiences, and connect with others who are on a similar journey. Social media communities can also be great for discovering new travel destinations, work opportunities, and resources for remote work.

Co-working Spaces

If you prefer a more structured work environment, co-working spaces are a fantastic option for RVers. Co-working spaces are shared workspaces that provide all the amenities of a traditional office, such as high-speed internet, comfortable workstations, meeting rooms, and even social events. Many co-working spaces offer daily, weekly, or monthly memberships, allowing you to access a productive workspace whenever you need it.

RVing and Remote Working Events

Attending RVing and remote working events is a fantastic way to network, learn, and connect with other RVers and remote workers. These events can range from conferences and workshops to casual meetups and retreats. By participating in these events, you can gain insights from industry experts, learn new skills, and build relationships with fellow RVers and remote workers. These events often provide a supportive and inspiring community that can help you thrive in your work and travel lifestyle.

What Tools Or Resources Can Help Me Stay Productive While RVing And Working?

Productivity Blogs and Podcasts

Tips and Advice for RVers

Several blogs and podcasts cater specifically to RVers who work remotely. These resources provide tips, advice, and real-life stories from RVers who have successfully found a balance between work and travel. From the best RV parks with reliable internet connections to practical advice for setting up a mobile office, these blogs and podcasts are a treasure trove of insights and inspiration for RVers looking to stay productive while on the road.

Remote Work Strategies

Remote work is becoming increasingly popular, and there are many resources available that offer strategies and best practices for working remotely. Blogs and podcasts focused on remote work provide tips on time management, effective communication, maintaining work-life balance, and more. By learning from experts in the field, you can optimize your remote work setup and improve your productivity and well-being while RVing.

Time Management Techniques

Time management is crucial when you’re working while RVing. Blogs and podcasts that focus on time management techniques can provide valuable insights and strategies for optimizing your work schedule. From the Pomodoro Technique to the Eisenhower Matrix, these resources explore different methods for prioritizing tasks, avoiding distractions, and making the most of your time. Implementing these techniques can help you stay focused and accomplish more in less time.

Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for your overall well-being while RVing and working. Blogs and podcasts that address work-life balance provide tips and strategies for setting boundaries, managing stress, and prioritizing self-care. By taking care of yourself and finding a healthy balance between work and leisure, you can ensure that your RVing and working lifestyle is sustainable and enjoyable in the long run.

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Health and Wellness Resources

Fitness Apps and Workouts

Staying active and taking care of your physical health is important, even when you’re on the road. Fitness apps and workouts designed for RVers can provide you with guided exercise routines that can be done in small spaces. Whether it’s yoga, bodyweight exercises, or cardio workouts, these apps and workouts offer a convenient way to stay fit and maintain your well-being while RVing and working.

Healthy Meal Planning

Eating well is essential for maintaining your energy and focus while working remotely. Healthy meal planning resources, such as recipe blogs or meal planning apps, can provide you with nutritious and easy-to-make recipes that are suited for your RVing lifestyle. These resources often focus on simple and wholesome meals that can be prepared with limited ingredients and kitchen space, ensuring that you have the fuel you need to thrive while working on the road.

Mental Health Resources

Prioritizing your mental health while RVing and working is crucial. Mental health resources, such as online therapy platforms, meditation apps, or mindfulness blogs, can provide guidance and support for managing stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. Taking care of your mental well-being will help you stay focused, motivated, and resilient as you navigate the unique demands of RVing and working.

Stress Management Techniques

RVing and working can sometimes come with its fair share of stress. Stress management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, or journaling, can help you effectively manage and reduce stress while on the road. By incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, you can promote relaxation, boost your resilience, and improve your overall well-being.

What Tools Or Resources Can Help Me Stay Productive While RVing And Working?

Power and Connectivity Solutions

Portable Solar Panels

When you’re on the road as an RVer, having access to reliable power sources is essential. Portable solar panels can provide you with sustainable and renewable energy to power your devices and charge your batteries. With portable solar panels, you can harness the power of the sun to keep your electronics running, reducing your reliance on traditional power sources and allowing you to enjoy the freedom of off-grid RVing.


While portable solar panels are great for harnessing renewable energy, generators provide a reliable power source even in the absence of sunlight. Generators can be powered by gasoline, propane, or diesel, and they can keep your RV’s batteries charged and appliances running smoothly. Having a generator as a backup power source ensures that you can keep working, stay connected, and enjoy the comforts of your RV even in remote or off-grid locations.

Battery Packs

When you’re constantly on the move, having a backup power source for your devices is crucial. Battery packs, also known as power banks, allow you to charge your devices on the go, even when you don’t have access to a power outlet. These portable and rechargeable batteries can provide extra juice for your smartphones, tablets, or laptops, ensuring that you never run out of power while working or traveling.

Cell Signal Boosters

In areas with weak or unreliable cell service, a cell signal booster can help enhance your connectivity. A cell signal booster works by amplifying the existing cellular network signal, providing you with better call quality, faster internet speeds, and improved overall connectivity. Whether you’re relying on your cellular data for work or simply want to stay connected with friends and family, a cell signal booster can make a significant difference in your RVing experience.

Time Management Techniques

Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that breaks your work into intervals, usually 25 minutes long, called “pomodoros.” After each pomodoro, you take a short break, and after completing a certain number of pomodoros, you take a longer break. This technique helps you maintain focus and productivity by breaking your work into manageable chunks, while also providing regular breaks to prevent burnout.

The Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as the Urgent-Important Matrix, is a prioritization method that helps you determine the importance and urgency of tasks. By categorizing tasks into quadrants based on their importance and urgency, you can prioritize your work effectively and focus on tasks that align with your goals and have the greatest impact. This method helps prevent procrastination and promotes efficient decision-making.


Batching is a time management technique that involves grouping similar tasks together and completing them consecutively. This technique allows you to minimize context switching and maximize your productivity by reducing the time it takes to switch between different types of tasks. By focusing on one type of task at a time, you can streamline your workflow and complete tasks more efficiently.

Prioritization Methods

Various prioritization methods can help you determine the order in which you should tackle your tasks. These methods include the ABC method, where you assign tasks a priority level of A, B, or C based on their importance; the MoSCoW method, where you categorize tasks as “Must-haves,” “Should-haves,” “Could-haves,” or “Won’t-haves”; and the Pareto Principle or 80/20 rule, where you focus on the 20% of tasks that will yield 80% of the results. By using these prioritization methods, you can ensure that you’re working on tasks that have the highest impact and value.

What Tools Or Resources Can Help Me Stay Productive While RVing And Working?